One of Seattle's two Sephardic synagogues, founded by families from the Island of Rhodes.
Annual film festival featuring films with Jewish and Israeli topics, some by Jewish and/or Israeli filmmakers.
The only Sephardic overnight camp in North America, located in Ocean Park, Washington.
Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation
One of Seattle's two Sephardic synagogues, founded by families from Turkey.
Burial society, scholarship foundation and community funding resource.
Sephardic Studies at the University of Washington
Headed by department chair Devin Naar, the Sephardic Studies Program seeks to build the largest repository of Ladino texts in the world.
Washington State Jewish Archives
Searchable database of artifacts related to Sephardic Jews in Washington State.
Washington State Jewish Historical Society
Events and exhibitions highlighting different facets of Jewish history worldwide.

Hebrew-language blog about Sephardic and Ladino culture.
Caminos de Sefarad / Routes of Sefarad
Multimedia experience tracing the journey of Jews from Spain throughout the diaspora. Website in English.
Spain-based Sephardic cultural center. Website in Spanish.
Kan Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation
An Israeli State-owned national public broadcaster. ​
La Federación de Comunidades Judías de España
Spanish Jewish Community Federation website. Website in Spanish.
Museum commemorating the Jewish community of Rhodes, decimated during the Holocaust.
Personal website for contemporary Sephardic musician, Sarah Aroeste.
Organization dedicated to cooperation between Sephardic culture in Spain and Israel. Website in Spanish.
Sephardic programming in Israel and America. Visit for information on Sephardic Birthright trips.
Digital publication with articles about Sephardic and Mizrahi history.
Sephardic Music: A Century of Recordings
Digitized recordings of Sephardic music in Ladino and Hebrew.
Click here to sign up for Ladinokomunita Yahoo group.