Al Maimon
​Vice President
Al Maimon's father was born in Turkey and came to the United States in 1924 when his father, Avraham Maimon, became the rabbi of Sephardic Bikur Holim synagogue. Al attended Yeshiva University and met his wife, Jeanne, in New York. They lived in Israel when their children were young. His maternal grandfather, Reverend Moshe Scharhon, hazzan at Sephardic Bikur Holim, was born in Rhodes. With Rabbi Maimon, Al spent a lot of time at the synagogue growing up with the synagogue serving as the focal point in his life. He worked as a counselor at Sephardic Adventure Camp, which Rabbi Maimon started. He has participated in SeLaH - Sephardic Ladino Heritage - which sponsored events and created a newsletter. Al earned a master’s degree in math and worked in operation research and large-scale information systems at The Boeing Co.